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Fragile, this thing we call life.

We all try to deny the inevitable ~ it all ends.

And yet, we run ~ hide ~ deny

Love, Honesty, Passion, Joy, Time, Attention

All the pieces that reduce the illusion

That we are alone and will live forever.

Is there ever enough time

In this moment?

I lost my beloved brother recently to the beast of melanoma.

He went from a robust, healthy man

to an emaciated, frail old man in four quick months.

I saw him into this world, and I saw him out.

We had many an adventure, he and I.

Inseparable when we were little, we held hands everywhere we went.

People thought we were twins, we were only thirteen months apart.

We also had big plans for the future.

Buy some land, create an intentional community, grow food.

Live happily ever after.

Now he's gone, just like that.

His legacy lives on in the beautiful spaces he created.

In the art that brings color and life into so many homes, especially mine.

He was smart, funny, brilliantly creative.

He was also profoundly loved by many, which he never really let himself know.

This is a plea, an invitation

LIVE the guts out of every moment of this precious life.

Be, say, and do what calls to you.

Write, dance, sing, draw.

Laugh, love hard, play.

Stop hiding out and playing small.

You are needed and loved more than you will ever know.

In loving memory to my longest, dearest friend Michael "Mick" Mier 9/13/61- 5/25/23

5 commentaires

05 août 2023

Only someone who has truly felt LOVE in the matrix of each individual cell could use ‘words’ to allow the rest of us to have glimpse of what it really IS …. And ALWAYS will BE. May you always feel the complete vibrancy of Mick in every little moment and explosion of the senses, and how fortunate are we to have YOU as a beautiful and vibrant example of the Miracle ✨💫🙏🏼


05 août 2023

That's beautiful 😍. As I read, I hear my heart ❤️ beating with thanks that I knew him and that you are always significant in my mind and heart. Strange, I almost called you yesterday as you were heavily on my mind. Almost, what a word. What stops us, a distraction, almost can also create a regret for some, or it could create a fleeting moment or memory and leave you with a smile. Be well always my friend. Make the most out of every moment in life!


05 août 2023

Such a beautiful tribute and inspiration of life. You two were fortunate to share such a bond of love. ❤️


Ni na
Ni na
03 août 2023

Thank you for this incredible important reminder about how precious life is ❤️


03 août 2023

So beautiful, touching and inspiring, Marlene. From where I stand, his legacy also lives on through Your continuously, ever-expanding/evolving expression of Love, inclusion, solidarity, empowerment and encouragement for emergence of all of our greatest expressions, too. Infinite gratitude for You and Your BEingness.



Marlene Mier Coaching

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